Abdominal Cavity
The abdominal cavity is located between the thoracic cavity in the chest and the pelvic cavity in the bony pelvis. It is divided into four quadrants: the right upper quadrant (RUQ), the left upper quadrant (LUQ), the right lower quadrant (RLQ), and the left lower quadrant (LLQ). The abdominal cavity contains numerous organs and structures including the stomach, liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, adrenal glands, etc. as well as numerous arteries and veins.
Abdominal Ultrasound Examination
An abdominal ultrasound is a noninvasive study used to evaluate the organs and structures within the abdominal cavity. The procedure is performed by passing the ultrasound transducer over the abdominal wall and directing the high-frequency sound waves at the structure to be studied. These sound waves reflect off of the intra-abdominal structures back to the transducer. The transducer processes the reflected waves to create real-time images of the organs or tissues being examined. Because no ionizing radiation is used, an ultrasound examination can be repeated with no danger and can be safely used during pregnancy. An abdominal ultrasound takes about 30 minutes and must be performed while the patient is fasting.

Common indications for a abdominal cavity ultrasound evaluation include:
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea / Vomiting
- Gallstones
- Jaundice
- Fatty Liver
- Ascites
- Flank Pain
- Urinary Obstruction
- Hematuria
Frequent Diagnosis
- Gallstones
- Kidney Stones
- Appendicitis
- Hepatomegally
- Cirrhosis
- Splenomegally
- Cysts / Masses / Tumors / Cancer – Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Stomach
- Aortic Aneurysm
- Abscess
CPT Codes
76700 – Ultrasound, abdominal, B-scan and/or real time with image documentation; complete
76705 – Ultrasound, abdominal, B-scan and/or real time with image documentation; limited (eg, single organ, quadrant, followup)
Common ICD-10 Codes
R10.11 -Right upper quadrant pain
R10.12 – Left upper quadrant pain
R10.13 – Epigastric pain
R10.33 – Periumbilical pain
R11.0 – Nausea
K76.0 – Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified
R11.2 – Nausea with vomiting, unspecified
R16.1 – Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
R16.2 – Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
K80.80 – Other cholelithiasis without obstruction
B18.2 – Chronic viral hepatitis C
R16.0 – Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified
K81.9 – Cholecystitis, unspecified
R18.8 – Other ascites
R59.9 – Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified
K74.60 – Unspecified cirrhosis of liver
R94.5 – Abnormal results of liver function studies
R19.7 – Diarrhea, unspecified
K59.00 – Constipation, unspecified
K85.9 – Acute pancreatitis, unspecified
R63.5 – Abnormal weight gain
R63.4 – Abnormal weight loss
R10.811 – Right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.812 – Left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.813 – Right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness
R10.815 – Periumbilic abdominal tenderness
R10.816 – Epigastric abdominal tenderness
R10.817 – Generalized abdominal tenderness
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